El diarioes castilla la mancha

Boletin castilla – la mancha

Blog of the Association of Health Informatics Professionals of the Community of Madrid: information technology professionals of the Ministry of Health of the Community of Madrid, health informatics, eHealth, Madrid Health and more …

The media also reports that the IT association APRISCAM , which is carrying out a strike called together with Solidaridad Obrera, is asking the regional government to suspend this call to wait «until the measures announced» by the national government on new possibilities of consolidation [which is now being processed in Congress] are implemented.

Of course they prefer that we go to court, because the SC does not abide by the law of the Union and is not going to raise preliminary rulings to the CJEU (it would not really be necessary, because the CJEU has established clear jurisprudence). It is necessary to WARN so that the lawyers are well prepared and must achieve that the judge of the contentious or social court in 2nd instance raises a good preliminary ruling (not any nonsense), taking into account that as long as the SC does not change the doctrine abiding by the European law, it is necessary to get a preliminary ruling in each lawsuit (as a way of judicializing the job), otherwise the way to get FIXED would be lost (the SC would not raise a preliminary ruling and, if admitted, would dismiss the appeal for procedural infringement). Then, we would enter the cumbersome terrain of the amparo appeal before the Constitutional Court (which would reject it) as a previous step to the ECtHR with the residual objective of obtaining a COMPENSATION for violation of fundamental rights by the State, which will surely be worse in most cases than the FIXATION. Do not calculate how much money that would mean, it is not paid by them but by the taxpayers.

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The country

My name is Eva María Rodríguez Moreno, I am part of the professional team of the Training Area for Independent Living of the Training Service CECAP of Toledo, a project to support people in a situation of social vulnerability, for reasons of disability. Our main objective is to serve as tools to our participants, in the achievement of their personal goals. Like any of us, many of them have emancipation goals, being essential professional support that can ensure the development of learning that promote their independence and autonomy. My work is focused on a line of action known under the name of «Residential Support Program», aimed at people with a high need for support, to meet the objective I mentioned above. It is a program funded by the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla La Mancha, through its Department of Social Welfare.

  Vestidos de invitados de boda

I did not want to miss this great opportunity offered by Diarioclm.es, to bring you the reality that we have lived the professionals of these resources, in the difficult moments of confinement. Undoubtedly, it has been an experience that has marked us all, personally and professionally. If we had to take stock, despite all the negative consequences that have occurred, we can say that we have made the best of ourselves, putting in value, not only our knowledge and good work as professionals, but something in my humble opinion, more important in these times, the human quality of a team dedicated to others, with the obsession in the goal of protecting and ensuring the welfare of the most vulnerable.

El diario es cantabria

The «Crucifixion», the painting by El Greco that will be exhibited in Toledo.It is «Crucifixion» Culture buys for 1.5 million a painting by El Greco to bring it to his museum in ToledoEnclm – November 19, 2021The Ministry of Culture has acquired «Crucifixion», destined to the funds of the Muaeo del Greco in the historic center of Toledo. This is the first work by the artist to be added to the museum’s collection since its foundation in 1910.

PLANETA RURAL (2)75 schools with less than 11 students and fiber, in 700 towns in 15 monthsDavid Romero – November 18, 2021 «It is necessary to make attractive to live in rural areas», the challenge in which Castilla-La Mancha is working on

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Budgets for 2022900.8 million for Social Welfare in CLM, 6.79 percent more than in 2022Enclm – November 18, 2021The Sustainable Development budget, 341 million, under the 2030 Agenda for the first time

Awarded by ENCLMAn outstanding and exciting gala to honor the Excelentes AwardsDavid Romero – 21 October 2021Excitement, fun and surprises, this is how the spectacular gala held in Puy du Fou can be summarizedPhotos: the emotional gala of ENCLM’s Excellence Awards ceremony

El digital de clm

The extinction of these media, due to lack of funding, and more recently the layoffs in the radio stations associated with Cadena Ser, and those prior to the closure of El Día and CNC, have caused the loss of about a hundred jobs linked to the journalistic sector in the province.

Job insecurity and the closure of media outlets reduce the variety and quality of information and seriously harms those who work to tell what is happening, the journalists. If citizens cannot have access to truthful and contrasted information, they will be less free to choose and decide. Once again, we appeal to the World Press Freedom Day slogan ‘Without journalists there is no journalism. Without journalism there is no democracy’.