Inem es consultar mi prestacion
Electronic headquarters
The contributory benefit protects the unemployment situation of those who, being able and willing to work, lose their job temporarily or permanently or have their ordinary working hours temporarily reduced by at least 10% to 70%.
The contributory benefit includes social security contributions for retirement, temporary disability, disability, death and survival, health care, maternity, paternity and care of minors affected by cancer or other serious illnesses.
For the calculation of the period of contributory employment, the periods of paid annual leave not taken before the termination of the employment relationship will be taken into account, as well as those corresponding to processing wages.
When the credited contributions correspond to effective work in the cases of reduced working hours, each day worked will be computed as a contributed day, regardless of the duration of the working day. If the contributions correspond to partial work, the duration of the contract or activity will be taken into account.
Spanish nationality
If at the time of consulting the SEPE benefits you do not know what type of unemployment benefits you are eligible for, you can always make an appointment at the INEM SEPE so that they can inform you of all the possibilities and ask any questions you may have. In this way you will have more clarity about what documentation to provide, the amounts to be paid and the deadlines.
Once you have selected the Benefit Queries option in the People section of the SEPE’s Procedures and Services section, you will have two options: Digital certificate, electronic ID or Cl@ve user and Contrast data:
If at the time of consulting the SEPE benefits you do not know what type of unemployment benefits you are eligible for, you can always make an appointment at the INEM SEPE so that they can inform you of all the possibilities and ask any questions you may have. In this way you will have more clarity about what documentation to provide, the amounts to be paid and the deadlines.
Once you have selected the Benefit Queries option in the People section of the SEPE’s Procedures and Services section, you will have two options: Digital certificate, electronic ID or Cl@ve user and Contrast data:
Tax agency
Through the Internet you can easily check whether you have been approved for unemployment benefits, benefit and subsidy payments, the details of your paycheck and the existence of sanctions or incidents.
1) CONSULT YOUR FILE ONLINE AT THE MOMENT, WITHOUT THE NEED FOR CERTIFICATES. This is the way that we explain step by step below. To use it, it is only necessary for the SEPE to have the worker’s cell phone updated in its systems.
In the case of being in ERTE, it must be taken into account that throughout the month the information of this application changes when updating data with the communication of the companies regarding the periods of activity of the workers. For this reason, it is common that on certain days of the month, errors appear with concepts such as «undue collections», which are then automatically corrected at the end of the month.
The downloading of this electronic document is considered as a notification, something that must be taken into account when counting the deadlines to file allegations and administrative claims prior to the judicial process.