Hoy palacio de los deportes madrid
Madrid metrometro system
On June 28, 2001, while working on the restoration of the roof, an accidental fire occurred that completely destroyed it, leaving only the concrete facade standing. A new, more modern, versatile, multi-purpose and flexible space was immediately created to set trends in genres and tastes for a future Olympic bid by the city of Madrid.
It is equipped with annexed multipurpose rooms for training and warm-up, changing rooms, dressing rooms and a medical area. The media rooms include bleachers with 204 seats, with locations for both cameras and radio, a rest room, conference room and mixed areas. There are also catering areas, with 27 locations for bars and points of sale.
In terms of seating capacity, it can accommodate up to 17,453 spectators, with a retractable grandstand. In addition, it has 36 preferred boxes, with capacity for 450 people. It has a subway parking lot to facilitate access to events with capacity for 867 vehicles and complementary facilities that improve its functionality. The special accessibility and evacuation conditions stand out, improving safety and offering a building without architectural barriers.
Since its reopening and boosted since the foundation of the company Impulsa Eventos e Instalaciones S.A., the Palacio de Deportes de la Comunidad de Madrid is an example of sports and cultural promotion thanks to its vast experience in the management of sporting events, shows, concerts, cultural and corporate events.
With its different formats and configurations, the WiZink Center is the ideal place to hold any type of event. From concerts for 3,630 spectators (The Box), through the 5,630 of the Ring format or the 8,706 of the Ring Plus, up to its maximum capacity of 17,453 spectators. The venue and its great activity are an important boost to bring to Madrid the most representative of national and international musical activity.
Capacidad del wizink center
El Palacio de Deportes de la Comunidad de Madrid, oficialmente WiZink Center desde noviembre de 2016 por motivos de patrocinio,[2] es un recinto deportivo cubierto situado en Madrid, España.
El antiguo edificio, construido en 1960, fue destruido por un incendio en 2001. Los arquitectos Enrique Hermoso y Paloma Huidobro proyectaron un nuevo estadio de estilo High-Tech que se construyó en el mismo lugar entre 2002 y 2005.
El estadio albergó dos grandes eventos internacionales de baloncesto en la primera década del siglo XXI: la fase eliminatoria del EuroBasket 2007 y la Final Four de la Euroliga 2008. También acogió la fase final de la Copa del Rey de baloncesto en 2006, 2009, 2011, 2019 y 2021. El estadio fue la sede de la fase final de la Copa del Mundo de Baloncesto de la FIBA de 2014 y de la Final Four de la Euroliga de 2015.
Hasta finales del siglo XIX, la zona donde se encuentra el Palacio de Deportes era una zona de huertas en el perímetro de la ciudad, en la calle Goya abajo, al borde de la ampliación que se había hecho a instancias del Marqués de Salamanca. En 1872 el entonces alcalde de Madrid, el Conde de Toreno, puso la primera piedra de una nueva plaza de toros, ya que la antigua, situada junto a la Puerta de Alcalá, fue derribada para la construcción del nuevo barrio. Dos años después, el 4 de septiembre de 1874 el alcalde inauguró la plaza de toros, construida en estilo neomudéjar y diseñada por los arquitectos Álvarez Lorenzo Capra y Emilio Rodríguez Ayuso.
Madrid arena
On June 28, 2001, while work was underway to restore the roof, an accidental fire completely destroyed it, leaving only the concrete façade standing. A new, more modern, versatile, multi-purpose and flexible space was immediately created to set trends in genres and tastes for a future Olympic bid by the city of Madrid.
It is equipped with annexed multipurpose rooms for training and warm-up, changing rooms, dressing rooms and a medical area. The media rooms include bleachers with 204 seats, with locations for both cameras and radio, a rest room, conference room and mixed areas. There are also catering areas, with 27 locations for bars and points of sale.
In terms of seating capacity, it can accommodate up to 17,453 spectators, with a retractable grandstand. In addition, it has 36 preferred boxes, with capacity for 450 people. It has a subway parking lot to facilitate access to events with capacity for 867 vehicles and complementary facilities that improve its functionality. The special accessibility and evacuation conditions stand out, improving safety and offering a building without architectural barriers.