El tiempo en leon capital aemet

tiempo león

Capital y Municipio en la Comunidad de Madrid, EspañaMadridCapital y MunicipioDesde arriba a la izquierda: Gran Vía, Plaza Mayor, barrios comerciales de AZCA y CTBA, Puerta de Alcalá y Palacio Real, Catedral de la Almudena

Madrid (/məˈdrɪd/ mə-DRID, español: [maˈðɾið])[n. 1] es la capital y la ciudad más poblada de España. Tiene casi 3,4 millones[8] de habitantes y una población en el área metropolitana de aproximadamente 6,7 millones. Es la segunda ciudad más grande de la Unión Europea (UE), sólo superada por Berlín en sus límites administrativos, y su área metropolitana monocéntrica es la segunda más grande de la UE, sólo superada por París[9][10][11] El municipio tiene una superficie geográfica de 604,3 km2[12].

Madrid se encuentra a orillas del río Manzanares, en el centro de la Península Ibérica. Capital de España (casi sin interrupción desde 1561) y de la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (desde 1983),[13] es también el centro político, económico y cultural del país[14] El alcalde es José Luis Martínez-Almeida, del Partido Popular.

aemet avilés

In the Peninsula and Ceuta cloudy or overcast skies are expected, with precipitation, except in the peninsular Mediterranean coast, Melilla and the Balearic Islands, where there will be cloudy intervals and rainfall will be generally unlikely. In the Canary Islands clear skies will prevail.

In the Central and Iberian systems in the 900/1,400 meters rising to 1,600/2,000, dropping at the end of the day to 1,000/1,400 meters, while in the southeast in the 1,200/1,600 meters rising to 1,800/2,400 meters.

The wind will blow from the south turning to the west and then to the northeast in Galicia and Cantabrian, with intervals of strong. Southwest turning to northwest on the Atlantic slope. Variable tending to west in Alboran, with intervals of strong. From northwest turning to southwest in the eastern Mediterranean area. And in the Canary Islands will be east.

GALICIA: cloudy to overcast skies, with rain and showers that may be locally heavy in the far north. Precipitation will decrease at the end of the day. The snow cover will vary greatly, being at first around 1,000 meters, rising quickly above 2,000 meters and dropping again in the afternoon to 1,200/1,400 meters. Minimum temperatures with little change and maximum temperatures rising, generally slightly. Wind from the south, light inland and more intense on the coast, increasing and turning west during the day and northeast at the end.

aemet riaño

Symbols and precipitation apply to the interval between the hours indicated, the wind and temperature forecast in Valencia is for the first hour indicated.Met Norway data, under Norwegian Licence for Open Government Data (NLOD) 2.0 and Creative Commons 4.0 BY International license.

* The sensation temperature is calculated with the apparent temperature formula, based on a mathematical model of an adult, walking outdoors, in the shade (Steadman 1994). Unlike other indices, wind, humidity and temperature values are used throughout the thermometric range.

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