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Newspapers of asturias spain
The landslide has caused the partial closure of the AS-15, the main artery that connects the southwest with the center of Asturias. It is being analyzed if a high tension tower is affected. Four other people were traveling in the vehicle and one of them was injured.
Centro Alameda Psicología – Psiquiatría984338509WEBMore than a thousand runners take part in the race that marks the return of sporting events to the streets of the city of Gijón despite the adverse weather.J. C. TUEROIn pictures.
4Despite what is stated in this purpose and the extraordinary success of the newspaper, the truth is that the intentions of its founders did not go beyond the creation of a provisional and short-lived means of communication, which would allow to begin the ideological indoctrination and the expansion of the Falangist ideals, simultaneously covering the information vacuum that the disappearance of El Carbayón had caused among wide sectors of the bourgeoisie of Oviedo.
5It seems that the idea of creating a new newspaper came from Gerardo Caballero, the new civil governor of the province, and likewise the appointment of Francisco Arias de Velasco to found and direct it, despite the fact that the newspaper itself cited Aranda as its origin7 :
20To this message was added that of agrarian reform and the attack on the large estates, which already on February 5 was collected in a long article with the enlightening title of ” La tierra para el que la trabaja ” (The land for those who work it):
21This anti-capitalism disappeared quickly after the decree of unification and the subsequent decapitation of the Falange which put an end to Hedilla and other leaders of its left wing, those of the anti-capitalist rhetoric of the ” pending revolution ” 31 justifying the move away from these doctrines with Joseantonian quotations such as : ” When we speak of Capitalism, we do not speak of Property. Private Property is the opposite of Capitalism “32. This process was as logical as it was necessary for the rebel side given the importance of the support it received from the wealthy social sectors and more specifically from the large landowners and the big financiers and industrialists.
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The new company brought about a real revolution at the newspaper. José Manuel Vaquero, who was confirmed as editor after privatization and later assumed management responsibilities as general manager, led the changes with the invaluable help of Melchor Fernández, who succeeded him as editor, Julio Puente and a renewed team of professionals. The newspaper incorporated technology, strengthened its editorial staff, modernized its management and promoted a work culture based on continuous improvement and profitability as an essential condition for the independence that it would never abandon.
A TRIP TO THE 9TH CENTURY WITH VIRTUAL REALITY GLASSES. The newspaper incorporates technology. On the left, the newspaper’s recording studio. On the right, the presentation of a pioneering work: the digital recreation of the Santullano frescoes.
May 27, 1988. The Asturian Press Club begins its activity in Oviedo. Eventually, the newspaper would also promote clubs in Gijón, Avilés and the Cuencas, as well as an itinerant one in different municipalities.
El comercio digital sucesos
“Mejor Equipo Educativo” por #educarestodo.El Palacio de Granda ha sido premiado como “Mejor Equipo Educativo” por #educarestodo. Enhorabuena a todos por vuestro esfuerzo y dedicación; Este premio es gracias al compromiso constante de todos nuestros profesores
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