Virgen de la macarena sevilla

Our lady of the macarena history

María Santísima de la Esperanza Macarena Coronada, popularly known as the Esperanza Macarena or, simply, the Queen of Seville and Universal Devotion, from which it takes its name from the Macarena neighborhood (Seville) and not the other way around as it is usually believed, is a Marian invocation venerated in the basilica of the Macarena, located in the Sevillian neighborhood of San Gil.

Her feast day is celebrated by the Catholic Church on December 18, and is represented with five petals of green French rock crystal[1] set in the form of lilies, called mariquillas, which pierce her chest, a gift of the Sevillian bullfighter Joselito el Gallo, great benefactor of the image and former brother of the brotherhood.

It is a candlestick carving made in the seventeenth century by an anonymous author, although it has been attributed to various sculptors related to the workshop of Pedro Roldán, among which stands out his daughter La Roldana. It was canonically crowned in 1964, becoming the second sorrowful image of Seville to obtain this dignity, preceded by the Virgen de la Amargura, and in 1971 the mayor of the city, Juan Fernandez Rodriguez, imposed the Gold Medal of Seville.

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La virgen de la macarena lyrics

María Santísima de la Esperanza Macarena Coronada, popularly known as the Esperanza Macarena or, simply, the Queen of Seville and Universal Devotion, from which it takes its name from the Macarena neighborhood (Seville) and not the other way around as it is usually believed, is a Marian invocation venerated in the basilica of the Macarena, located in the Sevillian neighborhood of San Gil.

Her feast day is celebrated by the Catholic Church on December 18, and is represented with five petals of green French rock crystal[1] set in the form of lilies, called mariquillas, which pierce her chest, a gift of the Sevillian bullfighter Joselito el Gallo, great benefactor of the image and former brother of the brotherhood.

It is a candlestick carving made in the seventeenth century by an anonymous author, although it has been attributed to various sculptors related to the workshop of Pedro Roldán, among which stands out his daughter La Roldana. It was canonically crowned in 1964, becoming the second sorrowful image of Seville to obtain this dignity, preceded by the Virgen de la Amargura, and in 1971 the mayor of the city, Juan Fernandez Rodriguez, imposed the Gold Medal of Seville.

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Hermandad de la macarena

La Virgen de la Esperanza de la Macarena (en español: Virgen de la Esperanza de Macarena de Sevilla), conocida popularmente como la Virgen de la Macarena o simplemente La Macarena, es un título católico romano de la Santísima Virgen María asociado a una piadosa imagen de madera del siglo XVII de la Santísima Virgen venerada en Sevilla, España. La advocación mariana se enmarca dentro de la categoría de Nuestra Señora de los Dolores que conmemora el desolado dolor y la piedad de la Virgen María durante la Semana Santa. La imagen está ampliamente considerada como un tesoro nacional por el pueblo español, principalmente por su grandeza religiosa durante las celebraciones de la Cuaresma.

La imagen también es conocida por el folclore local, sobre todo por su mejilla descolorida supuestamente causada por una botella de vino lanzada por un rebelde protestante borracho a su cara, que según la leyenda piadosa nunca se ha podido eliminar. Su popularidad entre las masas se pone a menudo de manifiesto en los cinco broches de Rosa Esmeralda que lleva en su vestido y que le regaló el afamado torero José Gómez Ortega, también conocido como Joselito, y en el hecho histórico de que la imagen sólo ha llevado un conjunto completo de vestimenta negra en un momento singular de la historia de España;[1] durante la muerte y el funeral de Joselito[2].

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La virgen de la macarena composer

The contemporary temple consists of a single nave with four side chapels. It has one floor and arcaded tribunes with a red marble plinth. Until the construction of the current temple, the Brotherhood had its headquarters in the parish of San Gil, saving the image of the Virgin from the fire in 1936.

The Virgin is located in the main altarpiece of neo-baroque style of Rafael Fernandez del Toro, is an anonymous work dating from the late seventeenth or early eighteenth century that has been attributed to Pedro Roldan and his daughter La Roldana.

The Brotherhood of the Macarena goes out in procession in the early morning of Good Friday, being escorted the Paso de Cristo by a centuria of Roman soldiers with red velvet costume, carcaza and helmet popularly known as the «armaos». It is advisable to visit the museum of the Brotherhood where the treasure of the Virgin is kept.

This guided tour is perfect to get to know one of the neighborhoods that is not included in the tourist itineraries and at the same time the most historic: the Macarena neighborhood. It preserves its original framework and its wall; without forgetting the…