Curriculum vitae de pablo iglesias

Pablo iglesias communist

The leader of Unidas Podemos leaves the Government to become Díaz Ayuso’s rival in the elections of the Community of Madrid next May 4. The BOE publishes that the still Vice President of the Executive has a patrimony of more than half a million euros.

However, the figure of Javier Iglesias, a graduate in Law and Contemporary History, became more popular than that of his own son, Pablo Iglesias, when he denounced Cayetana Alvarez de Toledo, deputy of the Popular Party, for having called him a “terrorist”, in reference to his past in the FRAP.

The current Minister of Social Rights and Agenda 2030 has a degree in Political Science (2004) from the Complutense University of Madrid, where he also obtained a PhD for his thesis on post-national collective action in 2008.

In addition, he also has a degree in Law and continued with his postgraduate studies. In fact, his curriculum includes a master’s degree in Humanities (2010) from the Carlos III University and a master’s degree in Arts in Communication (2011) from the European Graduate School (Switzerland).

Pablo iglesias noticias

Pablo Iglesias Turrión (pronunciación española: [ˈpaβlo iˈɣlesjas tuˈrjon]; nacido el 17 de octubre de 1978) es un politólogo y ex político español. Durante su carrera política, fue vicepresidente segundo del Gobierno y ministro de Derechos Sociales y Agenda 2030 del Gobierno de España entre 2020 y 2021. También fue diputado en el Congreso de los Diputados de 2016 a 2021, en representación de Madrid. Iglesias es cofundador de Podemos, partido político de extrema izquierda que lideró desde 2014 hasta su dimisión en 2021.

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Antes, fue profesor de Ciencias Políticas en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y presentador de televisión. Fue elegido diputado al Parlamento Europeo en las elecciones de 2014 como principal candidato del recién creado Podemos. El 15 de marzo anunció que dejaría el gobierno para presentarse en la lista de Unidos Podemos a las elecciones autonómicas madrileñas de 2021,[1][2] dejando la política poco después de los malos resultados de Unidos Podemos en las urnas[3].

Pablo Manuel Iglesias Turrión nació el 17 de octubre de 1978 en Madrid,[4][n. 1] hijo de Luisa Turrión, abogada del sindicato CCOO (e hija del histórico militante del PSOE Manuel Turrión de Eusebio),[6] y de Javier Iglesias, inspector de trabajo y profesor de historia jubilado, y, según Iglesias, ex miembro del Frente Patriótico Antifascista Revolucionario. [7][n. 2] Iglesias recibió el nombre de Pablo en honor a Pablo Iglesias, líder del movimiento obrero que fundó el Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE) en 1879[9].

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Pablo iglesias curriculum pdf

The leader of Unidas Podemos leaves the Government to become Díaz Ayuso’s rival in the elections of the Community of Madrid next May 4th. The BOE publishes that the still Vice President of the Executive has a patrimony of more than half a million euros.

However, the figure of Javier Iglesias, a graduate in Law and Contemporary History, became more popular than that of his own son, Pablo Iglesias, when he denounced Cayetana Alvarez de Toledo, deputy of the Popular Party, for having called him a “terrorist”, in reference to his past in the FRAP.

The current Minister of Social Rights and Agenda 2030 has a degree in Political Science (2004) from the Complutense University of Madrid, where he also obtained a PhD for his thesis on post-national collective action in 2008.

In addition, he also has a degree in Law and continued with his postgraduate studies. In fact, his curriculum includes a master’s degree in Humanities (2010) from the Carlos III University and a master’s degree in Arts in Communication (2011) from the European Graduate School (Switzerland).

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PCE, like his father, Francisco Javier Iglesias Peláez (Madrid, 1954), inspector of Labor and Social Security, who spent two months in prison during Franco’s dictatorship for distributing political propaganda and who,

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He completed postgraduate studies including Master’s degrees in Humanities (2010) from the Carlos III University, and Arts in Communication (2011) from the European Graduate School (Switzerland). He served as interim professor of Political Science at the Complutense University of Madrid.

He was a member of the Executive Board of the Center for Political and Social Studies Foundation (CEPS Foundation), an organization dedicated to the production of critical thinking to promote left-wing policies.

He was the first Secretary General in the history of the party (with 95,311 votes, 88.6% of the support) in an event held at the Teatro Nuevo Apolo in Madrid, which also announced the other members of the leadership of Podemos (Citizens’ Council and Guarantees Commission), including Carlos Jiménez Villarejo,