Los chunguitos dame veneno letra

La dame blanche – veneno lyrics español

Give me poison that I want to die give me poisonThat I’d rather die than sleep with you give me poison ay to dieGive me poison that I want to die give me poisonThat I’d rather die than sleep with you give me poison ay to die

Give me poison I want to die give me poisonI’d rather die than sleep with you give me poison I want to die give me poisonI’d rather die than sleep with you give me poison I’d rather die

Give me poison that I want to die Give me poisonThat before I prefer deathThat before I sleep with you Give me poison ay to dieGive me poison that I want to die Give me poisonThat before I prefer deathThat before I sleep with you Give me poison ay to die

  Grupos de riesgo vacuna de la gripe

Dame veneno bachata letra

Dame veneno q quiero morir dame veneno Q prefiero la muerte antes Q dormir contigo dame veneno ay a morir Dame veneno q quiero morir dame veneno Q prefiero la muerte antes Q dormir contigo dame veneno ay a morir Ay Q avanzas con tener Ay los ojos como moras Si cuando sales a la calle Que te enamoras de cualquiera Oh, mira si eres presuntuoso. Ay, mira si eres presuntuoso Ay er traje de los domingos Lo llevas todos los días Dame veneno q quiero morir dame veneno Q prefiero la muerte antes Q dormir contigo dame veneno ay a morir Dame veneno q quiero morir dame veneno Q prefiero la muerte antes Q dormir contigo dame veneno ay a morir Oh, coge mi chaqueta. Y mira este costao Verás el puñal Que por tu amor tengo dao Ay virgencita los remedios Oh, tiene cara de pena. Que porque todas las alelujas Que ya no tienen fe en ella Dame veneno q quiero morir dame veneno Q prefiero la muerte antes Q dormir contigo dame veneno ay a morir Dame veneno q quiero morir dame veneno Q prefiero la muerte antes Q dormir contigo dame veneno ay a morir

  Cerradura para abrir con el movil

Carmen cancion letra

Dame veneno q quiero morir dame venenoQue antes prefiero la muerteQue dormir contigo dame veneno ay para morirDame veneno q quiero morir dame venenoQue antes prefiero la muerteQue dormir contigo dame veneno ay para morir

Give me poison I want to die give me poisonI’d rather die than sleep with you give me poison I want to die give me poisonI’d rather die than sleep with you give me poison I’d rather die

Give me poison that I want to die Give me poisonThat before I prefer deathThat before I sleep with you Give me poison ay to dieGive me poison that I want to die Give me poisonThat before I prefer deathThat before I sleep with you Give me poison ay to die

  Vuelos asturias barcelona volotea

If you give me a choice of lyrics

Let’s see, within this work of revelation and total transparency that those of us who make this blog are developing, there come times when we must abandon the temptation to pixelate our faces, distort our voices, use an alias and confess a guilty pleasure that goes beyond what is forgivable by oneself and those around us. It is not because of the quality or not of the song of today’s entry, which I consider that it deserves to be here, but because it goes against what I have postulated here and my strongest musical beliefs, but when I am concentrating on something and a little music comes out of my mouth to be hummed as if it were a saloma, it is not Wagnerian arias but phrases like this «Give me poison I want to die / give me poison».