La voz de galicia lugo deportes

El correo gallego

En la actualidad, dos lenguas son oficiales y de uso generalizado en Galicia: el gallego autóctono, una lengua románica estrechamente relacionada con el portugués, con el que comparte la literatura medieval gallego-portuguesa; y el español, habitualmente llamado castellano. Aunque la mayoría de los gallegos son bilingües, una encuesta de 2013 informó que el 51% de la población gallega hablaba gallego con mayor frecuencia en su día a día, mientras que el 48% utilizaba el castellano con mayor frecuencia[12].

El nombre evolucionó durante la Edad Media de Gallaecia, a veces escrito Galletia, a Gallicia. En el siglo XIII, con la aparición escrita de la lengua gallega, Galiza se convirtió en la forma escrita más habitual del nombre del país, siendo sustituida durante los siglos XV y XVI por la forma actual, Galicia, que es también la grafía del nombre en español. La denominación histórica de Galiza volvió a popularizarse a finales del siglo XIX y las tres primeras cuartas partes del XX, y aún hoy se utiliza con cierta frecuencia. La Xunta de Galicia, el gobierno local descentralizado, utiliza Galicia. La Real Academia Gallega, institución encargada de regular la lengua gallega, aunque reconoce Galiza como una denominación actual legítima, ha declarado que el único nombre oficial del país es Galicia[18].

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The voice of lemos

In an atmosphere more typical of El Molinón – Enrique Castro ‘Quini’ than of a foreign stadium, Real Sporting de Gijón was unable to take advantage of the circumstance, getting a draw in their visit to Lugo that does not leave a good feeling. David Gallego’s team were unable to impose their game, being at the mercy of a lack of control by the locals, which almost left them without a prize. The team reacted with the changes and managed to get a draw that is of little use for classification purposes, as the top of the table is still at a high rate of scoring.

The game was still open, but the control did not end up belonging to David Gallego’s team, who decided to completely change their left wing, giving Pablo García and Gaspar the chance to play. Right after the changes, Sporting had their best chance of the second half, in a vertical attack after a steal led by ‘Puma’ Rodríguez, which ended with Djuka looking for the top corner with a great shot from the edge of the area, but Vieites made a great save with a great save.

  El correo gallego ultima hora


The growth of football in the city was spectacular, with the existing clubs settling down and others emerging, such as Exploradores F.C., C.D. Lugo and Mercantil Lucense around 1915 or the military Regimiento Zamora at the end of the decade. Racing Club, Athletic Club and Club Deportivo, the most powerful ones, shared out the fans, emerging players of high level that ended up enrolled in clubs of the neighboring capitals or more important clubs of Vigo, Ferrol or Santiago de Compostela that required professionals.

In the season 51/52 the relations between C.D. Polvorín and S.G. Lucense were very distant due to the fact that the former were making their debut in the Third Division and the Blanquinegros, in the Second Division, were economically suffocated, breaking the once usual exchange of players. With the Blanquinegros having disappeared, in November 1952 the press promoted a change in the name of C.D. Polvorín so that it would bear the name of the city, with the majority of the fans agreeing in December after a consultation offered by the club itself, but with the condition that the change would be made as of the following season.

La voz de galicia ferrol

Regardless of the origin and destination, promotional tickets can be purchased at Renfe’s official channels from 10.00 a.m. for travel between December 21, 2021 and September 12, 2022.

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The commissioning of this corridor will bring with it the creation of new AVE services, the expansion of current Alvia frequencies and a significant reduction in travel times from Galicia to the capital.

In this way, the on-board catering service is enabled, which the passenger can purchase at the time of ticket purchase. Premium tickets are also activated for these trains, which offer a trip with all the extras included (comfort seats to enjoy more space and comfort, catering service and the best policy of changes and cancellations).