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On Monday, April 26, the ten contestants were announced: Arantxa Castilla-La Mancha, Hugáceo Crujiente, Carmen Farala, Inti, Dovima Nurmi, Vulcano, Killer Queen, Pupi Poisson, Sagittaria and The Macarena.

The original format (as well as its UK version) is hosted by drag star RuPaul Charles, who has become the most awarded reality show host in Emmy history, with a total of five awards.

Previously we have been able to see her in programs such as Lo más plus and El diario de Patricia, the series Siete Vidas and Periodistas, or as a guest artist on Sálvame Deluxe, where she presented a song from the ‘Que trabaje Rita’ parties, in which she worked as a presenter in Madrid, Barcelona, Mexico and Paris.

The Javis are closely linked to the talent show genre.  They already participated as teachers in Operación Triunfo in 2017 and 2018, and this season they debuted as researchers in Mask Singer: Adivina quién canta.

Of their creations, with the connection to the program, it could be highlighted their Realness collection, in which they explored the sexual freedom and gender identity of people through self-affirmation, and which could be seen at MBFW.

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The movies of this past weekend: apart from the fact that the stellar movies of Friday, Saturday and Sunday afternoon have been ‘Garfield and his gang’ and ‘The Crocodiles’ (the first part, mind you), this week they have come up with the idea of doing

What has caught my attention in Clan’s programming this weekend is that in the early morning movie marathon on both Saturday and Sunday they are showing the Titeuf movie with a rating.

There is another series of Titeuf (or season, better said, the third batch in this case) from 2008 produced by Moonscoop and that was already broadcasted in Cartoon Network and also in Boing in its beginnings. In my opinion, this series was more faithful to Zep’s BD, dealing more with issues such as puberty, sexuality, etc. From this series just comes this 2011 movie.

), on Monday and Tuesday two episodes of ‘The Lunatics’, on Wednesday the censored 3×09 of SpongeBob SquarePants and another of ‘Messy goes to Okido’, on Thursday another of ‘The Ninja Turtles’ and on Friday another of ‘Truck Town’. And from Monday to Thursday, as a novelty, four episodes of ‘Voltron’ of the second season ordered backwards.

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On Monday, April 26, the ten contestants were announced: Arantxa Castilla-La Mancha, Hugáceo Crujiente, Carmen Farala, Inti, Dovima Nurmi, Vulcano, Killer Queen, Pupi Poisson, Sagittaria and The Macarena.

The original format (as well as its UK version) is hosted by drag star RuPaul Charles, who has become the most awarded reality show host in Emmy history, with a total of five awards.

Previously we have been able to see her in programs such as Lo más plus and El diario de Patricia, the series Siete Vidas and Periodistas, or as a guest artist on Sálvame Deluxe, where she presented a song from the ‘Que trabaje Rita’ parties, in which she worked as a presenter in Madrid, Barcelona, Mexico and Paris.

The Javis are closely linked to the talent show genre.  They already participated as teachers in Operación Triunfo in 2017 and 2018, and this season they debuted as researchers in Mask Singer: Adivina quién canta.

Of their creations, with the connection to the program, it could be highlighted their Realness collection, in which they explored the sexual freedom and gender identity of people through self-affirmation, and which could be seen at MBFW.