Foro oposiciones inspector hacienda

spanish tax authorities

Ok, thank you very much. do you know anyone who has taken the tax inspectorate exam by free instead of by internal? If so, how long does it usually take? are the tribunals bought as far as the oral exams are concerned? Thanks.

::: –> Edited on : 31/08/2015 11:08:00:::: –> Reason : Ok, thank you very much. It seems to me that people who are presented by free is a minority but it is better for people who oposita.A me I’m afraid to start with inspection by free , not see myself able and leave, that mess …Saludos

general tax law

Good morning,I am thinking about preparing to oppose but I am not clear whether to go for tax inspector or for tax technician.Obviously the oppositions for inspector are harder and require more time and dedication.I would like to know in a little detail what are the functions, salary, working hours, … of one and the other.Thank you.

Very good answer Banega. As you say … this is a hackneyed and controversial topic, you better than me that you have been here longer know the endless posts on this topic, each giving his version and even contradictory opinions … in the end you end up as at the beginning, without knowing exactly what each one is dedicated or what they get to charge. Your message has been very enlightening and complete, in addition to your message it is clear that you are working as a tax technician so you speak with knowledge of cause and from the inside… something that is appreciated.I was surprised by the salary of a technician, although it is obvious that it is much lower than that of an inspector I was pleasantly surprised because apparently they do not have a salary as low as I expected… which certainly encourages me to choose to prepare technician. I had no idea about the shared offices, hehe. I always thought they were all in one big room with individual thing that is not clear to me is what you said about half of the inspectors occupying pure administrative positions… I don’t know what you mean. Perhaps you mean that half of the inspectors are dedicated to other functions that have absolutely nothing to do with the management, inspection, sanctioning and collection of taxes?

tax agency electronic headquarters

Hello again, Infinite thanks for your help, with people like this, one recovers faith in the human being hehe. The truth is that without the information -and your perspective from the inside as a candidate- that you have given me, it would have taken me longer to make up my mind and it would have been more difficult to make up my mind. In the forums there is so much information and so many different opinions, that sometimes it is counterproductive to read them the end I officially opted to do it, I have the books and I started a few days ago, only that in the academy, in the CEF, I will start in the groups of Sept. As it is a long-distance race and a long-term investment, if you have it clear (as is already my case), the sooner you start the better. GOOD LUCK/STRENGTH with the exams!!! Greetings!!!

Welcome to the world of the opositor, then. )You’re welcome, I’m glad to have been of help. Anyway, if you have any other questions, let me know. Lots of encouragement also to you with the study. Best regards.

tax agency barcelona

Thank you for your answer.and what do you think is better to access inspection by internal promotion or free? is it necessary to have very good grades in the race to access inspection via free?

The “singing ” is what I see more complicated because I’m not used to it and also I get very nervous.then via free how long can you get to take do you know anyone who has done so? what is your experience about this opposition?do you go to an academy or any preparer? sorry to be so heavy but I do not know very well how this the way, thank you very much for answering.greetings.

I was very convinced of wanting to do this but I’m afraid that then I will not be able to get it and waste my time.besides, in the oppositions it is not enough to pass but you have to be the best and if there are fewer places, then even more.what other oppositions do you think that is good for a person who comes from ADE.thanks.greetings.greetings.

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